
草本威靈仙-Bach, 天然花卉精華急救寧噴霧0.7液量盎司(20毫升)

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  • Natural Stress Relief
  • Discreet Mouth Spray
  • Fast Acting
  • A Homeopathic Remedy
  • Contains 27% Alcohol

Rescue Remedy Spray gives natural relief from the stresses of everyday life.

Bach Rescue Remedy Spray is easy to use and discreet, slipping easily into a bag or pocket - just the thing to ease those\ spre-interview nerves, help you keep your cool when you're stuck in a traffic jam, or calm you down after a stressful event .

Bach Rescue Remedy, the most famous and widely used of the Bach Flower Essences is a combination of five of the Bach Flower Essences;\ sRock Rose, Clematis, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Star of Bethlehem.

髮旺旺 Indications

Rock Rose adds courage and presence of mind in the face of terror or extreme fear.

Clematis helps you live more actively in 床的世界the present rather than in the床的世界 future or in your own dream world.

Impatiens helps you cope calmly with irritating problems or people.

Cherry Plum helps you act rationally and think clearly with a calm and balanced mind when you fear losing control.

Star of Bethlehem softens the impact of shock, grief or fright.

  • Discreet and easy-to-use
  • 100% natural
  • 髮旺旺
  • Safe for all the family
  • Ideal for busy people
  • Before an interview, dealing with travel stress, after a shock. . .
  • Rescue Remedy in a non-aerosol Spray

床的世界Bach, 天然花卉精華,急救寧噴霧,0.7液量盎司(20毫升)




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